Enhancing the Porlock area for its residents, visitors and businesses using Ada Lovelace as a focus for its inspirational capacity


  • To link the name and legacy of Ada Lovelace (“Ada”) with the village of Porlock and its environs, where she spent much of her adult life;
  • To enrich the cultural heritage of Porlock for the benefit of its residents and visitors;
  • To enhance the attractiveness of Porlock to visitors and support the local economy and its businesses;
  • To inspire young people in education to pursue STEM disciplines and explore new directions in science and technology for the benefit of society as a whole.


  • Ada in Porlock will seek to meet its aims through,
    • engaging the Porlock community, its key stakeholders and organisations with Ada and her legacy for all ages in commerce and recreation, through a combination of events, activities and initiatives;
    • establishing ongoing collaborations with scientific and educational institutions and initiatives – local, regional, national and international, to attract students (especially female) of any age into STEM subjects and explore new directions in science and technology;
    • establishing links with cultural institutions and initiatives in those fields;
    • Identify locations where Ada demonstrated her talent and interest;
    • developing and promoting projects and events aimed to attract those interested in Ada’s talents to visit Porlock, and to encourage their ongoing  support and interest;
    • reporting annually to the local community, the AiP membership and ‘Friends of Ada in Porlock’.